【同义词辨析】 2019-09-04 恐吓intimidate-browbeat

intimidate: implies an inducing of fear or a sense of inferiority in another: ~d by all the other bright young freshmen.  induce有3个意思,1、引起导致to cause=produce,如本例,如drugs which induce sleep使人昏睡的药物 2、劝说to persuade,如I would do anything to induce them to stay我会想尽办法他们留下来 3、引产to make a woman start giving birth to her baby by using special drugs or other medical means,如an induced labour引产,如we'll have to induce her我们得给她引产。三个意思都来自词根DUCE/DUCT表示lead引领导致,如seduce引诱,deduce推断演绎,conducive有助于,produce产生,introduce介绍,induct使正式入职)

cow: implies a reduction to a state where the spirit is broken or all courage is lost: not at all ~ed by the odds against making it in show business不是展览业,而是娱乐业演艺界show business is the entertainment industry of film, theatre, and television,缩写showbiz,如be in show business从事演艺工作,如he started his career in show business by playing the saxophone and singing他的演艺生涯是从吹奏萨克斯和唱歌开始的)

bulldoze: implies an intimidating or an overcoming of resistance usually by urgings, demands, or threats: ~d the city council into approving the plan.  (这个词还表示用推土机推倒铲平to destroy buildings, trees, etc. with a bulldozer,如she defeated developers who wanted to bulldoze her home to build a supermarket她战胜了那些想推倒她家房屋建超市的开发商)

bully: implies an intimidating through swaggering threats or insults: tourists being ~ied by taxi drivers.  (swagger本意是神气十足大摇大摆地走,比喻趾高气扬、耀武扬威means to walk in an extremely proud and confident way,如John Steed was an arrogant, swaggering young man约翰·斯蒂德是一个傲慢狂妄的年轻人,如look at him swaggering around, it's really disgusting看他那耀武扬威的样子,真讨厌) (bully作名词表示恃shì强凌弱者,仗着力气欺负他人a person who uses their strength or power to frighten or hurt weaker people,如the school bully学校里的恶霸学生,如地痞流氓,学校混混,现有两个国家互相称对方是bully,一个国家指责另一个国家采取trade bullyism贸易霸凌主义,另一个国家指责一个国家是南海bully)

browbeat: implies a cowing through arrogant, scornful, contemptuous, or insolent treatment: inmates were routinely ~en by the staff.  arrogant和insolent强调傲慢,在2018-02-24 傲慢proud-disdainful,contemn和scorn强调鄙视蔑视,在2019-07-08 鄙视despise-stout,可理解为insolent和scorn比基本词程度深

intimidate恐吓: 指使人感到害怕自卑,cow吓住吓倒: 使人精神受挫勇气丧失,bulldoze强迫: 通过催促要求威胁强迫做某事,bully威胁侮辱: 表示趾高气扬地威胁侮辱使人害怕,browbeat傲慢对待: 表示傲慢轻蔑对待使人害怕

记忆方法: 1)首字母ICBBB想成I Boycott BBC我抵制BBC<==恐吓         boycott抵制,如拒绝购买产品或参加选举等,台湾将其译成杯葛

        2)的意思是使人恐惧屈服mean to frighten into submission.     submission屈服